Timekoin Client

All beginners to Timekoin should start here first. This will guide you to installing the client software that allows you to create, spend, and receive transactions from other Timekoin users. This is the best way to learn how Timekoin works. Also the quickest and easiest way to manage your accounts and balances.

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Timekoin Server

For advanced and technical users. This will guide you to installing the full server software that gives you the ability to create currency for Timekoin by having a more active role in the network. The server software for Timekoin offers up a full view to what is going on in the Timekoin universe and builds the supporting structure of peers and nodes that keeps Timekoin truly decentralized.

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Timekoin Official Plugins

All the officially supported plugins for Timekoin suite of software including Server, Client, & Billfold Server.

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