Released 2012-06-22
0000013: [General Issue] Private IP ranges need to be filtered by Peerlist (KnightMB)
0000012: [Feature Request] Add a button to show reserve peers and a button to manually add peers to the Peerlist tab (KnightMB)
0000010: [Performance Issue] Generation Peerlist has trouble getting in sync with the rest of the network (KnightMB)
0000011: [Performance Issue] Peer IPs can get auto-banned by accident when traffic is busy (KnightMB)
0000009: [Performance Issue] Peerlist can get duplicates (KnightMB)
0000006: [Feature Request] Add uptime, current transaction block, current foundation block to system information tab (KnightMB)
0000008: [Performance Issue] Bogus or duplicate transaction not filtered from the queue (KnightMB)
0000005: [Performance Issue] The part of Timekoin that checks to make sure the database is active has a memory leak (KnightMB)
0000007: [General Issue] Last Generation time is off by 5 minutes (KnightMB)
0000003: [General Issue] Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result (KnightMB)
10 issues View Issues